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The ART of Life Program

The ART of Life Program™ is a creative-based curriculum of self-discovery that teaches youth elementary through secondary levels how to make optimal choices for their lives. It is based on the book, The ART of Life / Holistic Creative-Based Lessons for Living - Available now on Amazon or through your local bookstoreThis book has been endorsed by such notables as expressive arts pioneers Shaun McNiff, and Dr. Natalie Rogers.


This Professional's Guide comprised of forty lessons, brings participants through a holistic exploration of the self: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually by using a process of self-inquiry and expressive art activities.


The program is especially intended for use by school counselors/ psychologists, teachers, art therapists, therapists, and life coaches to share in therapeutic/healing settings, or progressive learning environments that embrace the importance of instilling holistic principles.


The ART of LIfe program can be incorporated into school environments as an adjunct class, or after-school enrichment program. An allowance of ninety minutes is ideal for each lesson. Adaptable for youth of different developmental ages, the curriculum can be repeated to experience new questions and discoveries toward maturity.


This creative exploration can be rewarding for any participant. It is easily modified for special needs populations and also adults, by selecting activities and discussions deemed appropriate for each topic. It offers valuable learning for creating fulfilling lives, and encourages personal empowerment... so needed for today's youth.


Participants who embark on this journey will develop confidence to be the person they were meant to be in this world, while gaining habits for health and well-being. This program fosters not only self-awareness, yet contributes to uplifting society as a whole.

© 2023 by Melissa Masters

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